Testing loud and clear

Testing loud and clear

When was the last time you asked a manufacturer how they test their products?

It’s not something that many people would think to do during the research phase of the purchase process when they are in the market to buy.

However in a world where we are bombarded with product reviews, paid social media ambassadors and targeted advertising, it’s hard to determine fact from fiction.

So it seems more important than ever to be thorough in your research as a consumer, to ensure you’re getting exactly what has been advertised when you purchase a product.

This is exactly what Australian backpack vacuum manufacturers Pacvac are encouraging their customers to do, as they continue their ongoing commitment to transparency as a consumer-centric company.

There are testing regulations and guidelines within the commercial cleaning industry surrounding electrical and safety approvals that must be complied with for manufacturers to legally sell their products.

However, the standard to which each manufacturer tests for performance specifications varies from one to another, with some manufacturers choosing not to disclose how they conduct their tests at all - making it difficult for customers to make accurate comparisons on product performance.

This means that some brands' product specs are going to look like they perform better when this isn’t necessarily the case, as these specs can change depending on how the manufacturers choose to test.

F1 - the most common location for manufacturers to test airflow, F2: recommended test location, when following IEC62885-2

With this in mind, Pacvac submitted their product range to an Authorised Testing Lab; an independent third-party testing company focused on providing performance testing services for floor cleaning and air treatments to the public.

Here the vacuum cleaning machines were subjected to rigorous testing to the EN1822-1 standard, which goes above and beyond the regular European standard for filters used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning, and classifies Pacvac’s filters as high efficiency HEPA air filters.

Pacvac’s backpack vacuum cleaners were tested for the Emission of acoustical noise to the IEC 60335-2-69 standard - which means the sound produced by the operation of the machines was measured from the ear of the operator, to accurately replicate the experience for a customer.

As for the suction of the machines, arguably one of the most important quantifiers in a vacuum cleaning purchase - this was tested at the end of the vacuum cleaner wand to the standard of IEC 62885-2. 


Pacvac's full product range test results producted by the third party accredited testing facility

Pacvac’s general manager Tylyn Binckes believes that ensuring their products are third party tested to non-compulsory high standards keeps Pacvac aligned with their company values of integrity and commitment to their customers.

“Choosing to test our machines this way has meant that when comparing our products with those of our competitor’s who don’t use the same testing parameters, our customers are not comparing apples with apples” Binckes says.

“Not all manufacturers test their products to the same high standards as we do, so we want people to be empowered to not just look at the specifications list when comparing products for purchase, but instead, challenge the manufacturer on how they test and make sure you’re getting what you pay for.”

Pacvac are well respected leaders in cleaning technology worldwide, and with their most recent round of testing and certifying having been conducted in this way, the Australian company has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to their customers through transparency and product excellence.

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