
We filmed the reactions of industry professionals trying the Ecoharness for the first time, you can check it out below


Here are a few of the reasons why you’ll love it

Compatible machines

Compatible with the Superpro, Superpro Go, Duo and Micron machines, the Ecoharness
will come standard with these models as current stock runs out over the next few months.

Machine Launching
Duo Available now
Superpro Available now
Micron Available now
Superpro go Early 2024

Upgrade your machine

Already have a compatible Pacvac machine? Easily upgrade to the Ecoharness yourself!

Our sustainability journey

As an Australian company, we’re incredibly lucky to enjoy some of the most pristine beaches, bushland and diverse landscapes in the world. So it’s only natural that as we continue along our journey towards a more sustainable product offering at Pacvac, we take care of the world around us by implementing environmentally friendly practices wherever possible. This starts with the reduction of plastic used in products and packaging, designing with recycled materials, and encouraging sustainable practices in the work place through recycling and community cleanups.

Master your role.

Improve your skills and get your team certified with machine training modules on Pacvac Academy; our free online training portal.

Get started
Pacvac Academy